Tranzer blogs
It’s finally here: our very own company blog! We are so excited to have this new platform where we will be discussing all things tech, mobility and innovation. The mobility sector is evolving rapidly and is creating new ways for travel and keeping our cities flowing. Tranzer finds itself in the midst of this space pushing forward new mobility development. So, you probably understand that there is enough to talk about. Make sure to stay tuned for articles about tech, mobility trends, start-up culture and more. To our developer community: we also have some in-depth tech articles coming your way.

15 September 2022
Mobility, tech, Transport
Airlines for the future: integrating a door-to-door approach to air mobility
The airline industry is facing unprecedented times. Shocks from the global pandemic that haven’t been as palpable as since World War II, the climate crisis that’s urging us for radical...

31 August 2022
Does your MaaS app respond to the nudges from TikTok’s influencers?
Viral content, new challenges, and let’s not forget those dances that our youngsters love so much. TikTok has already left a huge mark on the behavior of its users, and...

27 June 2022
Hans Teuben on Smart Cities: Frontrunners, Citizen-Centric Tech & the Pilot Trap
How do we get to our smart cities of tomorrow? The role of mobility is one that cannot be missed, according to Hans Teuben, Capgemini’s Innovation & Strategy Director for...

23 March 2022
Rethinking the app landscape: Super Apps as part of your mobile-first strategy
The app market is booming. With millions of options available in your app store, it can get tricky to figure out which apps are actually worth a download and which...

24 February 2022
EU to improve public transport: Fostering digital and open innovation
This is the 4th article on digital innovation of our ‘EU to improve Public Transport’ articles. Our first three articles discuss technical development, connectivity and affordability of the railway system. Mobility...

22 February 2022
EU to improve public transport: Why we need both general and segment-specific economic policy instruments
This is the 3rd article of our ‘EU to improve Public Transport’ articles. Our first two articles discuss technical development and connectivity of the railway system. Mobility has increased immensely...